NDC Oslo 2015 Hack Yourself First workshop

This year I had to pleasure to go to the NDC Oslo conference. I attended the two day preconference workshop 'Hack Yourself First' by Troy Hunt which I'll give a short overview of in this post. For the rest of the conference stay tuned for another post (or two).

Troy Hunt is a well known security expert and also a Pluralsight author. To support the workshop and the associated training course Hack Yourself First: How to go on the Cyber-Offense, Troy hosts a site at Hack Yourself First which is full of sloppy security practices. The setup of the workshop was to first cover a subject (theory) and then do an exercise to exploit the vulnerability that was just explained. In the remainder of this post I will shortly list the subjects that were covered and refer you to Pluralsight courses for more information on the threats /vulnerabilities and how to deal with them. I'd like point out that for me the hands-on hacking was what made these two days very valuable as that really made the security risks real and not just something mentioned in a report by an auditing firm.

Subjects covered


NDC Oslo Videos

Information sources